miércoles, 11 de agosto de 2010
martes, 25 de mayo de 2010
V3 in association with Microsoft Cloud Computing Network
miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2009
martes, 11 de agosto de 2009
cultura y protección social
Un Sistema Nacional de Protección Social Integrado y Solidario, encuentra en la cultura no solo la clave de su concepción, sino que también el principal elemento de su crecimiento. Pero la mirada de la “cultura”, es compleja. Mas allá de la claridad que al respecto provoca la teoría, es probable que una breve nota experiencial aportara a la comprensión de lo que señalo.
Yo uso habitualmente la Línea 1 del Metro, que básicamente une el sector dónde viven las clases acomodadas, con el centro de la ciudad. Cuando he tomado la línea 4 (que une el centro con la periferia Sur), me ha llamado la atención que ésta, que va a Puente Alto, tenga televisión en los vagones. La Línea 1 no los tiene. Vagamente he pensado en la concreción de una forma de control a la Orwell (1984), dónde se tiene al pueblo subyugado a través del manejo del media. Por cierto ello es así con la TV normal. Al menos a mí no me cabe duda.
Lo que si resulta menos evidente, es a través de que medios decisionales esta estrategia se concreta, ya que pareciera más bien que se produce por si misma, sin que hubiere “alguien” detrás que pudiera pensar en las variables involucradas y aplicarlas para producir los resultados de alienación que serían favorables a la dominación esperada.
Pero el caso de TV en los vagones de tren que menciono, es al mismo tiempo más próximo al control y más directo en sus efectos perceptibles, aunque no por ello sea mas claro el propósito de psicología social al que se rinde, ni más ciertos sus resultados en el tiempo. En efecto, se trata de un circuito cerrado, es decir, la programación es simplemente dirigida por el Metro. Luego, se trata exclusivamente de “videoclips”, con música norteamericana “popular” contemporánea.
Hay que ver las caras de desolación e intriga de las señoras mayores y de los trabajadores que viajan cansados, con los contenidos explícitamente sexuales de los videos. Hay que ver a los niños de edad escolar que miran sorprendidos e inquietos. Hay que ver la violencia estridente de las semillas del imperio, en nuestra perspectiva de derechos y oportunidades. Hay que ver los vecindarios que el metro atraviesa con su carga de sueños reales. Hay que ver dónde están, las políticas culturales de nuestro gobierno.
lunes, 10 de agosto de 2009
Felicidad Nacional Bruta en lugar de PBI...
El artículo que sigue, más allá del contexto cultural que supone, es un tema que debemos considerar y que sin duda va en la línea de superar el peso unívoco del mercado y de la vida como mercancía.
Recalculating Happiness in a Himalayan Kingdom
by Seth Mydans, International Herald Tribune, May 6, 2009
THIMPHU, Bhutan — If the rest of the world cannot get it right in these unhappy times, this tiny Buddhist kingdom high in the Himalayan mountains says it is working on an answer.
“Greed, insatiable human greed,” said Prime Minister Jigme Thinley of Bhutan, describing what he sees as the cause of today’s economic catastrophe in the world beyond the snow-topped mountains. “What we need is change,” he said in the whitewashed fortress where he works. “We need to think gross national happiness.”
The notion of gross national happiness was the inspiration of the former king, Jigme Singye Wangchuck, in the 1970s as an alternative to the gross national product. Now, the Bhutanese are refining the country’s guiding philosophy into what they see as a new political science, and it has ripened into government policy just when the world may need it, said Kinley Dorji, secretary of information and communications.
“You see what a complete dedication to economic development ends up in,” he said, referring to the global economic crisis. “Industrialized societies have decided now that G.N.P. is a broken promise.”
Under a new Constitution adopted last year, government programs — from agriculture to transportation to foreign trade — must be judged not by the economic benefits they may offer but by the happiness they produce.
The change is part of attaining gross national happiness, Mr. Dorji said. “They resonate well, democracy and G.N.H. Both place responsibility on the individual. Happiness is an individual pursuit and democracy is the empowerment of the individual.”
It was a rare case of a monarch’s unilaterally stepping back from power, and an even rarer case of his doing so against the wishes of his subjects. He gave the throne to his son, Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck, who was crowned in November in the new role of constitutional monarch without executive power.
Bhutan is, perhaps, an easy place to nimbly rewrite economic rules — a country with one airport and two commercial planes, where the east can only be reached from the west after four days’ travel on mountain roads.
No more than 700,000 people live in the kingdom, squeezed between the world’s two most populous nations, India and China, and its task now is to control and manage the inevitable changes to its way of life. It is a country where cigarettes are banned and television was introduced just 10 years ago, where traditional clothing and architecture are enforced by law and where the capital city has no stoplight and just one traffic officer on duty.
If the world is to take gross national happiness seriously, the Bhutanese concede, they must work out a scheme of definitions and standards that can be quantified and measured by the big players of the world’s economy.
“Once Bhutan said, ‘O.K., here we are with G.N.H.,’ the developed world and the World Bank and the I.M.F. and so on asked, ‘How do you measure it?’ ” Mr. Dorji said, characterizing the reactions of the world’s big economic players. So the Bhutanese produced an intricate model of well-being that features the four pillars, the nine domains and the 72 indicators of happiness.
“We are even breaking down the time of day: how much time a person spends with family, at work and so on,” Mr. Dorji said.
Mathematical formulas have even been devised to reduce happiness to its tiniest component parts. The G.N.H. index for psychological well-being, for example, includes the following: “One sum of squared distances from cutoffs for four psychological well-being indicators. Here, instead of average the sum of squared distances from cutoffs is calculated because the weights add up to 1 in each dimension.”
This is followed by a set of equations:
= 1-(.25+.03125+.000625+0)
= 1-.281875
= .718
“How does a small country like Bhutan handle globalization?” Mr. Dorji asked. “We will survive by being distinct, by being different.”
Bhutan is pitting its four pillars, nine domains and 72 indicators against the 48 channels of Hollywood and Bollywood that have invaded since television was permitted a decade ago.
“Before June 1999 if you asked any young person who is your hero, the inevitable response was, ‘The king,’ ” Mr. Dorji said. “Immediately after that it was David Beckham, and now it’s 50 Cent, the rap artist. Parents are helpless.”
So if G.N.H. may hold the secret of happiness for people suffering from the collapse of financial institutions abroad, it offers something more urgent here in this pristine culture.
“Bhutan’s story today is, in one word, survival,” Mr. Dorji said.
“Gross National Happiness is survival; how to counter a threat to survival.”